30th November, 2021

I'm not going to lie, it's been a rollercoaster of a few weeks. As the pandemic seems to have really come to affect primary school kids, I've been surprised just how much of a nerve that touches in me. Being a mother of 3 young children, I'm experiencing once again how much deeper the fear and frustration runs in me once their health and wellbeing is on the line. Like, now it's personal! Mama bear is waking up and she's not always yogic.
This weekend, just when I really needed it, I had the most uplifiting experience of spending hours online chanting and chatting with a group of gorgeous women, led by the lovely Anne Malone (www.oasisofsound.com). Anne is teaching us to use musical instruments and our voices for healing and relaxation, whether in savasana or a full sound bath. By the end of Sunday, I felt radiant and lighter than I'd felt all week. I'm excited to be learning something new, pushing myself out of my comfort zone and getting ready to bring good things to your savasana experience!
Music is amazing and it's something that has been missing over the last while as singing was discouraged in schools and choirs and live music was basically banned. Singing is so uplifting and healing, in a group even more so. With chanting, you don't even have to worry about whether you're a good singer. You just clap your hands, chant along and feel the vibrations inside. I look forward to the day I get to sing my heart out in a Bruce Springsteen concert again. (I miss you, Bruce!) Meanwhile, I'll be trying to keep the music alive in my home - whether it's chanting (🎶Shiva Shiva Shiva Shambo 🎶) or singing along to radio (🎶Go eeeeeeeeeeesy on me baby..🎶). Everybody, all together now!