These can be anxious times. I'm trying to take it as it comes and not project into the future. I am finding daily yoga and movement in general is keeping me balanced.
I've never been much into technology and I'm definitely spending way too much time online just trying to get to grips with the world of online communication. However in my wandering off down rabbit holes, I've come across some good stuff. I happened across a yoga nidra by Shiva Rea on Soundcloud. I used to listen to this on CD back in the day. I nearly know it off by heart although I'm not sure I ever stayed awake through its entirety. Twenty minutes of bliss, perfect to settle the mind before sleep...
I love listening to Dermot and Dave on Today FM in the morning. They always give me a bit of a laugh. Dermot is also a meditation teacher and recently I did his family meditation with my three kids, tucked up, as he suggested, in bed under the quilt together. Rainbow moment! Here's a link to his website which has that meditation and more.
Speaking of rainbow moments... this was something I came across through my son Theo's Weaving Wellbeing program in school. A rainbow moment is about looking for simple lovely moments in the day, like seeing a beautiful rainbow, a hug, a warm cup of coffee in the sun, a dip in the sea, a cosy bed. A rainbow moment yesterday for me was when AoibhÃn came running out to me with a little package. "You got post, Mammy!" Inside was a truly fancy facemask my friend Claire's mother had made and a little bottle of hand sanitiser. Total rainbow moment! I leave you with a photo of it.
Stay well everyone!
